Brendan Benson - "What I'm Looking For""
To some people it's an easy choice
But for me it's the devil in an angel's voice"This is a catchy-as-hell tune from Royal Oak, Michigan native
Brendan Benson (what up, represent Royal Oak, yo!). It's taken from his brand new album,
The Alternative to Love, which will be out this Tuesday, March 22nd.
Though I've only lived in Royal Oak myself for about two years, I've known about Brendan since way back in 1996, after I bought his debut album,
One Mississippi from a Newbury Comics in Salem, New Hampshire. Ten years and three major labels later, Brendan's proving once more that he is no stranger to crafting memorable, fun, and pretty damn irresistible pop songs.
The Alternative to Love is the catchiest bunch of songs I've heard all year, hands down. I can't get them out of my head. I can't stop listening to the album (it's absolutely owned my listening time for a couple weeks now). And, after 2002's equally solid
Lapalco, I can't believe he's hasn't earned more notoriety around the music world by now. Each time Benson releases an album, critical acclaim soon follows. Yet for some reason - maybe because of the pathetic state of radio today - he remains a secret to a, relatively speaking, small legion of loyal fans. That may change soon, however, as
The Alternative to Love is just way too good. Couple that with the fact that this tune landed a spot on last night's episode of
The O.C. & a full-length collaboration with Jack White already put to tape and awaiting release (probably early 2006), and I've got my money on the name 'Brendan Benson' making its way across many more lips real soon. Do yourself a favor and, on Tuesday, buy the CD and become B.F.F. with it. Spread the love. This guy deserves it.
In 'What I'm Looking For', Benson entertains the thought of settling down with somebody for good. It's pretty amusing and yet strikingly personal and endearing, as well. And like I said earlier, it's super catchy.